
Roof Campaign

  • Dear Friends,

    After close to 3 decades, we have determined that our beloved Torah Way building needs a new roof. We have had 3 trusted contractors inspect the roof and their assessment is unanimous. We are ready to make a move now, while the weather is nice, and choose the best combination of price, materials and workmanship, with G-d’s help.

    When the Jewish people were exiled to Babylonia, as the Babylonians destroyed the first Beit Hamikdash, the Al-mighty tells Ezekiel to instruct the Jews to keep moving forward and build Houses of Prayer and Study Halls - "And These Will Serve as My Smaller Beit Hamikdash" (Ezekiel 11;16; Megilla 29a).

    Please help us refurbish our Small Beit Hamikdash and support our “Raise the Roof Campaign” as we go all out to get this done ASAP BE”H! Please see the sponsorship opportunities listed below:

    Platinum Roof Raiser: $3000
    Diamond Roof Raiser: $2000
    Gold Roof Raiser: $1000
    Brilliant Builder: $500
    Sparkling Shingle: $250
    Noble Nailer: $100

    Thank you so much for your generous support! May we always merit to remain under the protective cover of our greater community institution in all times of need – and may they only be happy ones BE”H!!

    Warmest Wishes For a Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year!!

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    Payable to: Chabad Center of Northwest NJ
    Memo: Roof Campaign
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